Join a Focus Group

To get started, fill out the participant questionnaire, and one of our coordinators will be in touch with more information. 

Focus Group Questionnaire

Focus Group Questionnaire

In addition to your legal name, please include how do you prefer to be called (first name, Mr./Ms./Mrs., nick name, etc.).
Where did you grow up?
Do you have children?
Are you currently (check one):
Have you ever participated in a focus group?
What is your availability to attend a focus group session? (check all that apply)
Do you personally know anybody else who would be willing and available to attend a focus group session?
Did you graduate high school?
Are you currently: (check all that apply)
Have you ever had any legal training?
Have you ever been called as a witness in court or given a statement in any legal proceeding?
Have you or any close relatives or friends ever been sued or sued someone else?
Have you or any close relatives or friends ever been the victim of a crime?
Have you or any close relatives or friends ever been charged with or convicted of a crime?
Have you or any close relatives or friends ever worked in law enforcement, such as for a police department, highway patrol, state crime bureau or sheriff?
Do you believe there should be a cap on the amount of money a plaintiff can recover if a jury finds a defendant liable for an injury?
Do you believe every defendant in a criminal case is entitled to a presumption of innocence?
Why are you interested in participating in a focus group? (check all that apply)
Are you willing to actively participate in a focus group, which will include voicing your opinions on the case or subject presented and participating in discussions, even if the other participants do not agree with you?
Are you willing to participate in a focus group concerning criminal cases as well as civil cases (where one party sues another, but there are no crimes involved)?